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Saturday 31 August 2013

Unofficial first day back at school

Unofficial First Day Back At School

Yesterday I decided to 'pop into school' or that's what I told my husband we were doing. You see two weeks before the end of term I was told I could order all new furniture for my room! Great! So I promptly ordered 6 round tables, 36 new 'unswingbackable'' chairs, (or so I hope), a new computer cabinet and a lockable teacher cupboard. 

All of this furniture I was told would be delivered in the second or third week of the holidays. I have been popping in and out of school throughout the summer, just to check if they had arrived. Tragic I know but come on 'New furniture!' When did you last get new furniture in your classroom?

Now each time I had called in I, along with said long suffering, had re backed boards, set up a gorgeous new reading corner, re organised cupboards etc etc etc. All with the intention of being 'good to go' on the first day back with my brand new year 2 class (all 34 of them). 34? I hear you cry, now that's another story. Anyway I digress, Hubby and I arrived in school to be greeted by ............. Yep you guessed it .......... a computer cupboard ...... a brand new lockable teacher cupboard ..............  36 'unswingbackable' chairs and ......... my old tables!!!!!

My face must have been a picture! Apparently the new tables will not be delivered now until Wednesday, which is the day after my lovely new pupils arrive. I was not impressed at all.  I felt like the naughty child waking up on Christmas morning to coal in my Christmas Stocking.

 But in true teacher, I can handle anything, fashion we got to work putting the cupboards in place, filling the new lockable cupboard with all manner of teacher essentials, putting all of the wires in place requires to keep the laptop charged, linked to the sound system and whiteboard and projector.

As we had worked so hard we decided we had earned a visit to the local hostelry. Well it would be rude not to wouldn't it?

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