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Thursday 2 January 2014

365 day challenge day 2

So blog day two sees me looking after my grandson and his dog. We have had a lovely, busy day. The type of busy you get with a 6 year old and a puppy! We played games on the iPad, tidied up then went for a walk to Parkgate,  an old Victotian coastal town, that due to changes in the river has now become marsh land.  It has a famous ice cream shop and a lovely long front along which people walk and sit. It is also a haven for bird watchers due to the marsh. It was particularly full of twitchers today due to some rare bird sightings.

Today was also the first time the puppy Daisy had been out on a lead. Now those that know me will laugh out loud at the thought of me walking a dog. My standard comment about dogs is 'I like them but couldn't eat a full one!' Yet here I am walking Daisy and I have to admit enjoying it, even if she got that exhausted I had to carry her.

My grandson enjoyed the fresh air, watching the twitchers and chatting away to me non stop. It  was the type of day of which memories are made. The type of day I will look back on when I an back at school and smile. It is also the type of day I hope my pupils are experiencing  too. Family time is invaluable. I know my grandson chatted incessantly, asking questions, thinking out loud and I know as a result he was enjoying himself and learning lots even though neither he or I realised it at the time.  Talk for learning in action.!

I do admit though that my thoughts are beginning to turn towards going back to school. I am debating whether to get my laptop out tomorrow or be brave and just enjoy these last precious days. We do have inset first day back and in fairness lots of my planning is done, just not the fine tuning. However I also know that after teaching for 16 years I can fine tune in about two hours on Monday. I also think that after the stress of ast term I really need to take care of my mental and physical health and that won't  be acheuved by working in the holidays.. In about my third year of teaching I actually made a vow to myself not to take work home. During term time I go into work at about 7.45 and stay until about 5.30 and so far that has worked well for me.

I will let you know tomorrow if I manage to resist the lure of the laptop!

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