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Monday 3 March 2014

The continuing success of Friday Books

I continue to be truly astounded by the improvement of the children's writing in their Friday books. Below is a couple of examples of before (week one of  writing-way back in September and after (week eighteen of writing):

All of this writing is independent,it is not drafted and we do not mark it.  The only support comes in the form of a class generated list on the board of what we have done in class that week, a small word bank for spellings and a weekly reminder of whatever our Literacy focus has been that week e.g. Conjunctions. This preparation takes about 10 minutes and off they go! 

The writing in the Friday books is in the form of a letter and the next part of the process is down to the adults at home. Whoever the child addresses their letter to writes a reply and the book is then returned to school before Friday the following week and the whole process is then repeated. They show each other what their adult had written which they really love. 

In our Parents Evening this week all of  the parents said how much they look forward to reading the books each week. They get to find out what their child has not only done in school that week but what they have enjoyed the most. From my point of view they are provide invaluable evidence of the pupils writing so it is win, win all round! 

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